Finding & Reconnecting with God through Broken Relationships

#015 - In the last episode of Season 1, we talk with Whitley Harwell of All Things Whit Grace (@allthingswhitgrace). Whitley walks us through a devastating trial in her life, telling us how she grew closer to God and how God healed her. This powerful testimony is full of tips we can use when we go through inevitable trials of our own. There is always light on the other side. I encourage you to take a listen, and share with a friend.
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What is the Chaplaincy?

Blog, Podcasts
#014 - In this latest podcast episode, we talk with Chaplain Linda Buie to better understand the work of the Chaplaincy and its connection to the church. Chaplains can be found in different settings, be it hospitals, universities, military etc. And they do more than what Hollywood shows us. They lead worship services, provide last rites rituals and marry people. They also offer communion, anoint patients and assist with completing power of attorney paperwork. In hospital settings, they are part of the interdisciplinary team, addressing the emotional needs of the patient. Their work is heavy and necessary. It is also more complex than I ever imagined. Please listen in and learn more about the chaplaincy. I believe it will bless you real good.
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Does the Local Church Mentor?

Blog, Podcasts
#013 - Today, we are discussing mentoring with Courtnay Avery. Take a good listen as she will provide insightful tips regarding mentoring. This responsibility is not just the role of the pastor of the church or church leadership. It's the role of all mature believers.
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Do Sports have a place in Church?

Blog, Podcasts
Available on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and Audible #012 - In this episode, we talk with Fred Clarke regarding the role of sports in the local church. The Athletics ministry that  Clarke leads focuses on creating an interactive relationship with ministry participants, while evangelizing and having fun. Listen in to hear of this program's success as well as how you might be able to help within your local church. Let's talk church! #sports #church #evangelism #relationships 
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